DELTA74 Private Investigations
Delta 74 Private Investigations carry out varying services including;
• Tracing people based on a legitimate interest
• Covert surveillance in order to gain intelligence
• Discreet local enquiries in order to confirm/deny details such as property occupation
or where someone is currently working
• Technically led investigations including covert cameras and vehicle trackers
dependant on the basis of the investigation
• Process Serving of court documents and letters that require personal service
How D74 Private Investigations Can Help
Based on the
idea and mission statement of The Sovereign Project;
The Sovereign Project is an institution that protects and reclaims the
rights and freedom of each individual by providing powerful tools and
education, while uniting others who also choose to be free.

The leading service D74 can provide will be their people tracing service which is on a no find no fee guarantee.
This will enhance the success rate of sovereign members in their pursuits of
individuals in order to get them into court proceedings.
They are running at around a 97% success rate on the regular trace service.
When more is required to locate a person, extra costs can be incurred.
When an individual has been identified and then located to an address linked to the investigation D74 can then assist with the service of relevant documents in a speedy, stress free and impartial manner.
D74 will do this and then prepare the necessary documents such as witness
statements/statements of service with corroborating imagery of the service so that it can move forward in court.

These prices are for our members only:
• Tracing people £100 inc VAT on a
no find no fee guarantee
• Service of Documents £120 inc VAT
this includes 3 visits to the property
• Other services will likely not be
required based on the needs of The
Sovereign Project on a frequent basis
but a discount will be included for
members if they are needed
Prices above reflect work undertaken in the UK and work outside of the UK will be quoted on a case by case basis. Where possible Delta 74 will recommend more suitable companies who are trusted and verified in the country the work is required.