If you've completed a 22 week round of an Official Sovereign Workshop, you're ready to join a local interactive Chess Club where you'll work with your group on the practical application of the Workshop material.
We have 3 levels, so you can start one that you are most comfortable with and progress as you gain more knowledge.
If you are close to any of them, feel free to email them to meet up.
LEVEL 1 - held by someone who has done the 22 week foundation course but is not a presenter, casual settings.
LEVEL 2 - held by someone new who wishes to get involved, and has not completed the 22 week course, casual settings.
LEVEL 3 - someone new who wishes to get involved, but is in a remote location, casual settings.
Please email Karl if you are interested in starting one in your local area.

level 1


level 3

Forest of Dean
Contact: Rowena
level 3
Forest of Dean
Contact: Rowena