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These websites will provide you with valuable education and information to support you on your journey to reclaiming your freedom. 



Know your unalienable rights; keep your business open; fight tyranny.


Jason Christoff's raw, informative podcast.

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Initiates of self and universal lore.

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Free yourself from slavery.

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Truth Talk.


Life in every breath.

Covering diverse topics from law, culture and sociology to human health and spirituality.


We all need to relearn how to stand 

on our own in law as a man or woman.


Asset protection and dealing with debt - claiming your remedy.


Defend freedom -

defend humanity.

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Employment legislation knowledge and strategies to help resolve workplace issues.

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Vaccine regret counselling. Life coach.

Your Happiness, your Health and your Performance are Richard's priorities.

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We can support you in the workplace by representation at grievance and disciplinary meetings.


Remedies for the awaken soul.


Learn how to navigate your vessel in commerce and be free from Debt Slavery...

All links have been provided with permission. If you would like to have your work featured here, please email us at


A community of lawful remedy with full innerstanding of grammatical frauds.

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Are You Ready to Learn The Truth? Do You Realise How Big The Lie Actually Is?

The Strawman IS NOT a Concept or a Theory, IT IS a Reality. You Have a Strawman, But You Are Not Your Strawman.

Download a free e-book!


A Layman’s Educational Guide to Forming Private Express Trusts.

They are intended as a guide for those individuals who wish to start learning about personal asset management and protection.


Self Sovereign ID Card

An alternative “freedom” internet that is for humans only! A platform with a network infrastructure and unique “proof of humanity” blockchain.

The ENTIFY platform is only accessed through the ENTIFONE and by creating your own unique NFT attached to your ID card. This is the basis for “proof of humanity” and is the only way we can distinguish from “counterfeit humans” as AI improves.

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Master the Labyrinth of your Mind...

Strength Through Collaboration

You are the one you have been waiting for...

Dark Matters can aid you in accessing the KEYS to the doors of your perception. If you do not have mastery over your own mind- as we have seen in this duality 'reality'- some-one else or some-thing else will master it for you.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome + Gut and Physiology Syndrome.

Natural treatment for autoimmune disease, asthma, eczema, allergies, fatigue, arthritis, chronic infections, neurological and endocrine disorders, digestive disorders, learning disabilities, mental illness, epilepsy and eating disorders.


GAPS Website -

GAPS Training -


LIP (Live in Private)


The following templates are designed to assist you with and or without knowledge, how to action your position as the Agent for the Beneficiary who lives In Private, and can not speak, hear or write directly to the Corporation, Trustee or Person, all fictional entities.


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Ascending Tribe is a personal integration platform guiding people into the new paradigm. A bridge from the old to the new to embody unity consciousness. We provide community events, transformational ceremonies, educational courses, empowering retreats and evolutionary 1:1 engagements.



CIRNow is a Political Blog and Information Resource


Created and led by Mike Holt, this blog provides information about our political system and our fight to reform it and put the power into the hands of We the People to manage our own destiny.

In August 2016 we set up this website, as a Blog to publish articles that help educate Australians and indeed patriots around the world to learn the truth about the political party crimes and treason being committed against us every day. It has become a go-to resource for many people.


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